up to a large dogros. Acknowledge that the accumulated experiences you have had since your birth, plus the ways you have reacted to these experiences have also had an important influence in determining the sort of an individual you are now.

Thon most important of all, realize that the immortal spirit within you was given to you by God, and when you trust God and your own inner spirituality you have a guidance and protection that never fails.

You have your very own likes and dislikes, your own ideals and standards. You know more about yourself than does anyone else on earth. And so you have a right to form your own set of values. You know what you want from life. A11 right, then teach yourself to get it, without harming others, and with as little conflict as possible.

So if you love someone whose values are as your own, there is no need to expose that love to the glare of the spotlight of public knowledge. No need to offer yourselves up to be nailed on the cross of mass misunderstanding and condemnation. (Not unless you happen to enjoy suffering.)

Only an exhibitionist must expose his private life in order to enjoy it. The only exception is found if homosexual partners reveal their private lives in an attempt to show the world that such unions can be, and often are, fine and decent, and that they contribute much to the sum total good of today's world. Those who attempt this are born CRUSADERS who are dedicated to the Cause. They realize the risk involved, but they consider it a calculated risk. You alone know in your heart whether or not you are willing to take it. Unless you feel very sure of yourself in meeting any problems that exposure might bring forth, then it is wiser to keep your private life privato.

But this does not mean you need to be a hypocrite.


a fool or a coward will seek to appease mass thinking by attempting to be what another person or mass concept says one should bo. BE YOURSELF!

The only right changes for an individual are those prompted by a sincere belief and one's honest reactions